Main Info

Guide is made upon version 1.3.0

Plugin info:

PixelSkills is a MMO plugin based around adding skills players can level up by doing tasks in the Pixelmon mod. Basically, its a Pixelmon MMO plugin.

15 Skills exist in the plugin: Archaeologist Artificer Barterer Botanist Breeder Caregiver Collector Conqueror Darwinist Fisherman Gladiator Harvester Looter Photographer Trader

The plugin is highly configurable, There are 3 different rewarding modules inside the plugin: Perks Rewards Level-Locked Rewards Perks are rewards given to the player when as they do the tasks inside the skills. The perks are hard-coded into the plugin and cannot be changed. Rewards are rewards given to the player as they level up skills. Rewards are configurable to give money, items, permissions, Pokemon, basically anything you can think of. Perks and Rewards have configurable chances to trigger when the code for them runs. Level-Locked Rewards are essentially 100% guaranteed rewards to be given to the player when they hit the level that the reward is locked to. Its settings are the same as Rewards.

Perms and Commands

The differences between Generations and Reforged

Generations has the Photography skill, Reforged has the Scanner skill to replace that.

Last updated